Getting Started with Dotfiles
First published on April 7, 2016 · Last updated on April 25, 2021
Let's draw a situation. Your computer breaks down. And I don't mean the classic "Dammit, my computer broke down, better get it fixed". No, I mean the "Oh shit, my HD is totally fried, I lost everything and there's no way on earth I'll ever get it back"-hell. Some day, you may experience this situation. If you're lucky you won't. But hey, luck runs out eventually.
Thankfully, these days we have something called 'The Cloud ☁️'. We're developers so we're probably smart enough to save all of our documents up on Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, Github or whatever floats up there. Right? ... Right?
Anyway, I can't help you with your documents. That's not why I'm writing this. Save your documents in the cloud! What I can help you with is your development environment. See, we all have specific ways of setting up our computer. It's all different somehow. The apps we use, our IDE settings, what shell we prefer, what programming languages we work with, the tools we prefer. How on earth are we going to get that specific setup back the way we had it before our computer broke down?
Enter dotfiles.
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Why Dotfiles?
Dotfiles basically contain the preferred setup of your computer. They usually come with a setup procedure so you can easily install everything again when you need to start from a fresh system. They're also really useful for syncing preferences across multiple devices.
A couple of months ago I had to re-install my computer a couple of times. And damn, that was quite the undertaking. Figuring out which apps I had to re-install, setting up my IDE again properly, losing all of my shell settings and aliases. Total pain. And something no one wants to do ever again. So I decided that the next time I needed to re-install my computer I'd be prepared. I wouldn't go through this ordeal ever again.
Building My Own Dotfiles
I've known about dotfiles for quite a while now. I've seen various repositories from various people, but every single one of them seemed to be totally different. The reason for this is that dotfiles are very personal. There is no silver bullet or a one way to rule them all setup. When building your own dotfiles, you're going to see that you'll want to structure things to your own liking. And that is perfectly fine. Take inspirations from other repositories and then use the parts which work for you.
Building my own dotfiles was just like that. I dove deep down into several repositories and found incredible ways to tweak my setup or organize things. Let me show you how I tackled structure for my own dotfiles.
Topical Organization
I started out with the repository everyone probably starts from when they're looking for a good example of dotfiles. Zach Holman's dotfiles are superb. I suggest you read his own excellent blog post on the subject.
What Zach uses is called Topical Organization, which means he organizes the different parts of his dotfiles in directories, each entitled to a specific subject. His git settings are in a git/
directory, his Ruby scripts are in ruby/
, etc.
This seemed like a great way to organize things and eventually I ended up with this. Everything neatly tucked away in its own directory with their own aliases, path settings, etc. separated.
I now had a good structured and working setup for my dotfiles.
A Simpler Structure
But then I started thinking in terms of why I wanted to separate things so much. Each directory only contained a handful of files and each of those files only a few rules. Why would I want to separate everything if everything could be done much simpler by just organizing it top-level?
And thus my quest began to greatly simplify things. When I was finished I ended up with this. As you can see it is much cleaner than the previous version. Everything is organized in just a handful of files that aren't very large. This means that they are much more maintainable and easier to understand.
In the end this proved to be the right choice. Tools like Mackup and a Brewfile helped greatly in reducing the amount of files I needed. Let's take a look at the final result.
The Different Parts
macOS Preferences
My main OS of choice is macOS. Being the Apple fanboy that I am, I thoroughly enjoy the way it syncs all of my data across my devices through iCloud. I wouldn't want to trade it in for any other OS at the moment. Although iCloud is great, it doesn't yet syncs your macOS preferences across your Macs. I have a Macbook at home and a Macbook from work so if I change a setting on one of my Macs, it doesn't automatically apply to the other one. Luckily we have a dotfile to help out with that.
Mathias Bynens's dotfiles is one of the more popular ones out there. His .macos
dotfile features a range of macOS preferences and is something probably everyone wants when working with macOS. Now syncing your preferences is easy. Just pull in the latest commit from your dotfiles, run source .macos
and you're up to date.
When running macOS, Homebrew is essential. It helps you install packages and tools in an easy way through the CLI. It should probably be the first thing you install when setting up a new Mac.
Homebrew can also help install your apps. You won't need to worry about manually downloading and installing packages and tools anymore. Homebrew can even install your preferred fonts. Apps from the app store still need to be installed manually or with a neat CLI tool called mas.
To bring it all together in your dotfiles, you probably want to adopt a Brewfile
. Homebrew Bundler allows you to organize your system's dependencies in a single file so Homebrew knows what to install when installing from a fresh system. It's like Composer but for your Mac. Feel free to take a look at my own Brewfile to see what tools and apps I've got installed. A simple brew bundle
installs your dependencies.
Now we've talked about our macOS preferences and restoring our apps & tools but what about our application preferences? How are we going to make sure we can restore those if we need to re-install our Mac?
Meet Mackup. Mackup is a tool which backups your app preferences to a storage of your choice. By default it's Dropbox but you can easily use Google Drive, iCloud or any other synced folder you want. What it does is that it copies the settings from your ~/Library
folder and symlinks them from the storage folder. That way your settings stay consistent across devices. It's also very handy to restore your application's settings. Simply install your synced folder, Mackup first and then mackup restore
to restore your settings.
Thanks to Emma Fabre for giving a great presentation on Homebrew and Mackup at the PHP Leuven UG!
Z Shell
When developing you probably spend a lot of your time on the CLI. So a good setup of your shell is important. While Bash is a great shell (and recently even got added to Windows 10), I prefer Z Shell (Zsh). It even became the default shell in macOS for the new Catalina release.
Zsh is a powerful shell which features some great improvements over Bash like autocompletion, shared command history, themeable prompts and many other things. It's like Bash but on steroids. I've considered alternatives like Fish Shell but in the end Zsh proved to be the one that I like the most.
Oh My, Wth Should I Use?
Like the way you have frameworks for programming languages you also have frameworks for your shell. While a shell like Zsh is great, it's still difficult to configure it the way you like. A framework like Oh-My-Zsh can greatly help with this.
You have a few other Zsh frameworks like Presto but in the end I decided to choose Oh-My-Zsh. Oh-My-Zsh is wildly adopted, has a strong community and a great range of features.
You can install plugins for your shell like the git plugin which offers shortcuts and autocompletion for your git commands. Or easily install themes to configure the look and feel of your shell. I've installed the Minimal theme together with the Solarized Light color scheme.
And when using Mackup your Oh-My-Zsh preferences automatically get synced across your devices. Neat!
The Install Procedure
Now that I've shown you how I've set up my dotfiles let's take a look at how it all comes together when we try to re-install our Mac. I've written a step-by-step guide on how I can install a fresh macOS setup with my preferred settings and tools. Let me guide you through the steps.
First of all we need to update to the latest version of macOS. We do this first so that we have the latest versions of all the tools available.
Secondly, we'll be generating a new pair of SSH keys. These will give us access to our (private) GitHub repositories and will allow us to clone them to our machine. We can generate them with the bash script from the second step in the readme. After you've generated them, don't forget to add them in GitHub itself.
Now clone the repo to your machine. I'm gonna assume you're going to clone it to ~/.dotfiles
Next, we start the installer by running ./
. Oh My Zsh and Homebrew will be installed and Homebrew will start installing your apps and tools from your Brewfile
. Zsh will be set as your default shell. Composer will be installed with your preferred global packages. Lastly, the .macos
file will be read to set your preferred macOS settings. Note that this will close your shell because it resets some processes at the end of the file.
After the install script has been run we're going to restore your app preferences. First make sure iCloud (or whatever synced storage you've chosen for Mackup) is set up and all of your files have finished syncing to your Mac (this can take a while). Now we'll run mackup restore
to restore our app preferences.
All you have to do to finish up is restart your Mac and you'll have the same setup the way you left it.
Maintaining Your Dotfiles
Of course you'll still need to make sure that if you change anything to your system, your dotfiles need to be updated as well. This requires a bit of a different mindset.
Some pointers on maintaining your dotfiles:
- When installing a new app, tool or font, try to install it with Homebrew and add it to your
- When configuring a new app make sure to run
mackup backup
to save your preferences - When changing an macOS setting, try setting it through the
file - Always save documents through a cloud storage like iCloud, Dropbox, or something else
If you follow these pointers you'll definitely make sure that your Mac will be restored the way you left it the next time you need to re-install.
That's it for this blog post. I hope I've shown you enough in order to make you start with your own dotfiles. Take note that this is a highly opinionated post because I've mostly explained my preferred setup. Like I said before, dotfiles are a very personal thing. Look around at other repositories and start building your dotfiles the way you like. If you need some help on getting started, I've dedicated a section of the readme in my dotfiles on helping you to get started on your own dotfiles.
Go build your own dotfiles and the next time when your computer crashes, it won't be that bad! 😄
About me
I'm a software engineer from Belgium. I work as one of the core team members of Laravel, the popular PHP framework.
I'm also the creator of Eventy, a platform that connects the dots between user groups, speakers, conferences and attendees.
My passions are open-source, growing communities, and building products that people love.